Write please! "أكتب من فضلك"
So far we have studied two forms of verbs in Arabic, the present and past forms. In this lesson we are going to study the last form, the imperative from. Fortunately, we have few pronouns this time (only second person pronouns). The pattern most verbs follow in the imperative tense is demonstrated in the following example (notice the letters written in red):
eshrab eshrab (Drink!) | |
enta : eshrab | eshrab! (dink!(m.)) |
ente : eshrab--ee | eshrabee! (drink!(f.)) |
entoo : eshrab--oo | eshraboo! (drink!(pl.)) |
As usual, there are verbs differing a little from that pattern, but we will focus now
on the regular verbs. These irregular verbs will be studied later.
The following verbs follow the same pattern shown above:
kol | kol | Eat! |
e3mel | eamel | Do! |
etkallem | etkallem | Speak! |
uskot | oskot | Stop talking! / Silence! |
edres | edres | Study! |
That is it with imperative form. At this point, you know almost everything about the three forms of verbs in Egyptian. It is advisable to memorize each verb in the three forms, this will save you a lot of time later.
With this lesson, we are done with studying verbs on the basic level. It is worth mentioning here that verbs are of extreme importance in Arabic, and consequently Egyptian. Every Arabic word is derived from some verb in the past form (known as word's root). Therefore, the more verbs you learn, the more you are able to comprehend Arabic/Egyptian. Take your time learning new verbs and their conjugation in different forms using our online exercises or any other source you prefer. When you feel confident about your knowledge of verbs, you can go on with the next sections.
Online Exercises:
on Imperative Form.
on Past Form.
on Present Form.
General Exercises.